Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I change my filter? 

Generally, you should change your filter Every 6 months, but your filters can be changed more frequently if needed. 

Do I need to have my air conditioner cleaned every year?

Routine maintenance can prolong the life of your system, so cleaning is a necessity.  (Do You would change the oil in the car every 3000 mile?  If this maintenance is not performed the car will have many repair issues) 

Should I have my furnace looked at before I turn on my heat?

Yes, Dirt and dust can build up on heat exchangers and elect strip heat.  This is a potential fire hazard. 

My thermostat is showing that I need to change my filter.  Is this an emergency?

Not necessarily it can indicate that the filters are due for a change.  It is a timed function for run time within the thermostat and can be adjusted as needed to allow longer filter reminders. 

I have terrible allergies.  Can using a better filter help?

Yes, upgrading your filters to a higher MERV rating can reduce the amount of dust and allergens in the air.  Also, HEPA filtering is avail for severe cases. 

My electric bill is so high in the summer.  What can I do that will not cost me an arm and a leg to reduce this?

Perform Routine maintenance can reduce energy consumption and reduce bills. 

I think my neighbor is stealing my refrigerant, what can I do to stop that?

Locking caps can be placed on the service ports to deter theft. 

I live in the country, do you come out this far?

We will travel to any location; you will be charged for al time spent traveling to your location.  

How long does a system last?

Life expectancies of equipment is determined on maintenance and overall run time. If the system is well maintained, it can last 15-20 years.  

How do mini splits work?

Simply put Mini Splits work the same as traditional units. 

The only different is that they have zero duct work and can easily installed in any room with an open wall.  

How do geothermal systems work?

Geothermal heating and cooling utilize the earth constant temp to transfer heat with out the effects of the outdoor temperatures. 

Are Geothermal system more efficient than conventional systems?

Yes, they are more efficient due to the way the heat is transferred.

How does a heat pump work?

Heat pumps work on the principal of refrigerant flow manipulation. A reversing valve is used to redirect the refrigerant flow to provide heating and cooling.   

What can I do if my system stops working?

Call or Text K & M Shillingford for expert service. 

What is the best type of filter for my home?

Most manufactures recommend a MERV 8 Filter. But upgrade filter can be used.   

How does regular maintenance help my system?

Keeping the system well maintained greatly increases the life you your equipment. 

Why does my heater smell when I first turn it on?

Dust and dirt collect on the surface of the components and once heated it can produce a smell. 

Why does my system run all the time?

It could be undersized, in need of maintenance, or in desperate need of repair. 

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