Ductless Minisplit Systems

The team at KMS can install and manage your Ductless Systems right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Ductless is somewhat of a new air conditioning system to the US but has been extensively used throughout Europe and Asia for more than 25 years. VRF systems are able to offer both heating and cooling simultaneously and efficiently.  They are “ductless” in that they do not utilize traditional air ducts throughout a home or building. This technology serves to reduce waste and reduces home and building HVAC operational costs.

Since they are competitive in cost, Ductless systems are intentionally made to be easily installed and overall require less maintenance when comparing them to conventional HVAC systems. Ductless systems can be used in various building types and occupancies either in retrofit projects and for new construction.

How a Ductless System Works

A Ductless system is able to simultaneously cool and heat different zones in a home or building. The Ductless system manages to remove the heat from the side of the building that the sun is warming and moves the heat to the parts of the building that are cooler and in need of heat. When the sun moves throughout the day, these areas of the building that need heating and cooling will change. This movement of heating and cooling is also affected by the internal loads that change throughout the daily activities such as more people moving to different areas of a building. Conventional HVAC systems do not adapt efficiently to changes in the heat of the sun and the occupancy changes.

Installing ductless mini-split systems in your apartment, school, or office offers several benefits. Firstly, they provide highly efficient heating and cooling, helping you save on energy bills while maintaining a comfortable environment. Additionally, their compact design and zoning capabilities enable precise temperature control in individual rooms, ensuring personalized comfort for occupants. Lastly, ductless mini-splits are easy to install and maintain, reducing both installation costs and long-term servicing expenses, making them a practical choice for various settings.

Tulsa HVAC

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How A Ductless System Stays Competitive In Cost With Other HVAC Systems

  • Initially, individual Ductless component costs may be higher, but overall the total installed system costs are comparable to conventional HVAC systems.
  • They save in general construction costs by taking up less installation space in a building.
  • Ductless Minisplit systems are created to be easily installed. This time is less because of the lesser and smaller equipment components, and also the minimized size of the piping required.
  • They operate at a higher efficiency while functioning at partial loads and having the ability to provide simultaneous heating and cooling.  This results in operational costs that are lower than other HVAC systems.
  • Overall Ductless system components tend to last longer and need less maintenance. Over this can greatly reduce life cycle costs.
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